Hi Guys, this is just my own item build and strategy . . thats not mean advisable to any kind of situations.
Starting Items: basillius and tango
- you need basillius for mana regen, this hero is some how needs more mana to stay in the game.
- first skill should be ice shards, this will get you a chance to pwd early. Sometimes i used this skill to block a enemy hero to move back instead move forward and let your creeps kill it for you.
- Second skill should be Snowball, this will do a combo - against ranged hero! but it won't do a greater damage. this can do also do a kill with a stunner ally hero.
- Level 3-5, stay with these two skill as this will do a combo when you reached Lvl 6.
- Level 6, Definitely you'll get Walrus punch - before going for a kill- you must at east one bracer to increase it's critical dmg.
Combo style to Enemy Melee and Ranged Hero (like troll, magnatur,etc) non-disabler for level 6
- go for snow ball to reached the enemy - 120 dmg
- normal attack for about 1 sec - 90 dmg
- once it moves back, cast ice shards to block his way out - 140 dmg
- normal attack 0.5 sec - 50 dmg
- walrus punch - 75 dmg plus 200 critical points dmg
- overall - 675 pawned
- if still alive, cast your ice shards (long ranged spell) totally pawned!
Combo style for disabler (sven, lion, SK etc)
- go for ice shards first as this will get his attention then go straight to the enemy hero
- enemy hero has a tendency to cast a stun, It's ok!
- after the stun, if the enemy hero moved back - cast WALRUS punch then SNow Ball
- this is effective, this will give you automatic attack after the stun came from snow ball.
- enemy hero will be killed or if not, he will be slowed for 2.5 sec - givig you time to do normal attack.
- if still ALIVE! oh cast ice shard to get a total kill!
-don't get phased boots as this disable your ulti. Threads is a must because of low AS
-Bracer 2x
-percy to battle fury
-Bassilius to Vladmir
-Lothar is good also, Dagger is better
-Desolator is the best, SNy is good, Diffusal isn't worth
-Radiance is worth
-Cuirass and Heart of Teras can do.
Thanks thats all for now.
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